2020 Revs Tea Party
Our traditional end of year Tea Party was held yesterday for the VCE Revolutions class of 2020, to celebrate their final history class, with a small morning tea in a safe outdoor setting. Unfortunately, a couple of students were unable to join the group in person but, at least one was able to join us via Google Meet.
To the accompaniment of relevant revolutionary music, from John Lennon’s ‘Revolution’ to the lively ‘Rasputin’, students enjoyed some symbolic revolutionary fare and quizzed each other on many revolutionary facts.
Most made the effort to dress as a member of one of the revolutionary societies studied this year, of America or Russia, while recalling the ‘Boston Tea Party’ or the Russian tradition of tea drinking, with the symbolic aid of a small samovar. They enjoyed English Breakfast or Russian Caravan Tea or iced tea and tea biscuits, marshmallows or chocolate coins, the latter representing the infamous ‘Continental Dollar’.
We wish them all a wonderful examination experience and much future enjoyment of historical reading and discussions. Vive la revolution!
Margaret Pagone
Senior School Teacher