KDS Connect

Alumni News

Click here to find out the latest alumni news. We love hearing about what our alumni are up to, whether it be a new career, marriage or a birth, we want to know about it. If any of your contact details have changed, please email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au

Alumni mentors

We love sharing our alumni career pathways with our current students as inspiration and guidance for them. Watch our video showcasing two former students who presented at our Year 10 pathways day and shared with us how their time at KDS taught them skills that they now use in their career pathways. Contact us to get involved and stay connected to the KDS community. Our Pathways Adviser looks for graduates each year to speak with our current students about their tertiary journey.

Alumni Reunions

Each year we hold 5, 10 and 20 year reunions. It is a great opportunity to see old classmates and teachers and reminisce about the old days together. This year the reunion will be held on Sunday 25 May.
For more details, please email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au

Industry Networking Event

KDS graduates interested in participating in a KDS Connect Alumni Industry Networking Evening are invited to email us. We look forward to providing more networking opportunities for our alumni.


Please watch our video showcasing two former students who presented at our Year 10 Pathways Day and shared with us how their time at KDS taught them skills that they now use in their career pathways.


We are excited to welcome graduates from the following cohorts to this year’s Alumni Reunions:

  • 2020 (5 Year Reunion)
  • 2015 (10 Year Reunion)
  • 2005 (20 Year Reunion)
If you have not received an invitation via email, please email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au


What a special evening we had in May 2023 at our Alumni Reunion! We welcomed back 100 graduates from Class of 2003, 2013 and 2018. For those of you who could attend, we hope you enjoyed connecting with old classmates and chatting with some of your old teachers. We love hearing about the diverse pathways our graduates have taken and the lives you have created since school.


King David graduates are forging careers in a broad range of industries. We invite alumni to share their stories post-graduation. Each term we feature a graduate in our Inspirations Magazine. A few examples are shared here. Please share your journey with us and email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au

Alex Lehrer (2011)

Following her graduation from KDS in 2011, Alexandra went on to study a Bachelor of Health Sciences and Master of Speech Pathology at La Trobe University. After graduating from University, Alex worked as a speech pathologist for six years in public hospitals both in Melbourne and London. Earlier this year, she made a total career change, moving across to consulting and is now working for the Nous Group. In her new role, Alex consults on health industry related projects and helps organisations to improve their performance and achieve their strategic objectives.

During VCE, Alex studied English, Maths Methods, Health and Human Development, Theatre Studies, Chemistry and Psychology. She says that King David gave her the opportunity to explore her interests, both academic and co-curricular (specifically musical theatre). She also developed a strong sense of community and the importance of giving back during her time at KDS. Alex has enjoyed volunteering with CSG and C Care outside of her work.

Alex attributes her confidence to take ownership of her decisions and ability to utilise the network of people around her to help guide her path forward, to her time at The King David School. Her message to fellow graduates is that if you aren’t fulfilled by what you are doing professionally, there is always an alternative. Find a network that can support you in understanding your options and just go for it!

DANI Jackson (2012)

Dani completed Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Engineering (Monash University) and is currently an Engineer at Boral Australia. Her role there can vary from reviewing a mechanical process in the plant trying to identify ways the process could be more efficient and produce less waste to analysing a set of data and trying to financially forecast the future costs of a project.

During VCE, Dani studied Specialist Maths, Maths Methods, Chemistry, Physics, English and Psychology. She says that her time at KDS helped her form and encourage her inquisitive nature and provided both academic and creative spaces outside of the classroom where she could develop her problem solving skills. This has helped her in her career where she is often called on to solve problems and look for new and innovative approaches to address issues.

During her time at University, she enjoyed volunteering with TOM: Tikkun Olam Makers. Dani was part of a team of engineers, designers and physiotherapists that was partnered with an individual with a disability. They worked together to create a custom unique solution to a challenge that the individual was facing. The solution was then shared online through the TOM global network to assist anyone facing a similar issue around the world.

Gabi abrahams (2015)

Gabi Abrahams graduated from KDS in 2015. Passionate about Science and Technology and inspired by teachers including Milorad Cerovac, Russell Newman, Angie Atal and Philip Swedosh, he studied a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics and a Diploma in Applied Mathematics at the University of Melbourne, graduating in 2019.

During his undergraduate degree, Gabi joined the Melbourne Space Program. He was team leader of the Mission Operations and Telecommunications teams, responsible for Earth-Space communications. The satellite, ACRUX-1, has been successfully operating in space since July 2019 and is the first Australian student designed and built satellite to be launched into orbit since 1970.

Gabi has now started a Master of Physics at Melbourne, with a research focus on condensed matter physics and quantum sensing. He is excited to be pursuing a future of scientific enquiry and discovery.

Alumni Reunion - September 2022

We held a “catch up” reunion for those cohorts that missed out due to Covid restrictions over the last few years. It was wonderful to catch up with so many members of the following year levels:
* Class of 2011 (11 year)
* Class of 2010 (12 year)
* Class of 2001 (21 year)
* Class of 2000 (22 year)

We look forward to returning to our usual program of 5, 10 and 20 year reunions in 2023. Dates will be posted for these early in 2023. 

For further information about our alumni program or to update your contact details, please email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au 

Alumni Reunion - May 2022

We recently welcomed back over 150 past students as well as some current and past staff at our Alumni Reunion for Class of 2017 (5 year), Class of 2016 (6 year), Class of 2015 (7 year), Class of 2012 (10 year) and Class of 2002 (20 year). It was wonderful to catch up with each other and share memories of fun times at school.

Head of Senior School Fred Kok, Immediate Past Principal Michele Bernshaw and current Principal Marc Light spoke to alumni about how proud we are of our KDS graduates. They spoke to the diverse pathways taken by our graduates and how we love to share in the news of our alumni.

The evening finished with a tour of the Senior School campus with many alumni seeing the spaces for the first time since the refurbishment and remarking on how the spaces have changed and memories of times shared in different areas of the school.

For further information about our alumni program or to update your contact details, please email alumni@kds.vic.edu.au 

Class of 2012 at a recent Alumni Reunion.