Friends of the King David School, has launched a
digital cookbook.
All proceeds from orders will assist the Friends of KDS Performing Arts Scholarship, which benefits
students with a talent in Visual and Performing Arts.
The recipes were created by avid cook, Fay Bock (past parent and FKDS Committee member) during the COVID lockdown of 2020 and the cookbook was designed by Jenny Gorog (grandparent, past parent and FKDS Committee member). In a community where food is such a central and unifying theme, this cookbook provides 75 recipes to enjoy with family during the chagim. Mouth- watering original recipes include vegan challah for Shabbat, polenta cheesecake for Pesach, roasted carrot, apple and celery soup for Rosh Hashanah and sweet corn latkes for Chanukah. A wonderful and delicious way to celebrate the chagim with family.
Please place your order below for an electronic copy of the cookbook for your personal use. Cost is $25. If you would like a printed copy, there is an option to buy one or more copies at $40 per copy.
For any enquiries, please email:

Celebrate the Chagim with Friends of KDS

Friends of KDS
The Friends of KDS focus on building connections with grandparents and special friends within the KDS family. They host a range of events during the year in order to strengthen ties with the KDS community and enhance goodwill towards the School.
The newly named Friends of KDS Performing Arts Scholarship recognises the ongoing commitment and fundraising efforts of the Friends of KDS. This Scholarship is awarded to a Years 9 or 10 student and remains in effect until the student completes Year 12.
If you would like to donate to the Friends of KDS and support the Performing Arts Scholarship, please click HERE.
All grandparents and special friends of KDS students are warmly invited to come along to Friends’ events; please contact for news of upcoming activities or further information.

Instead of your usual gift on special occasions, we hope you will purchase a card from Friends of King David School for your hosts. Your purchase of a card goes towards our current Friends of King David School Association (FKDS) Arts scholarship project. This important project has to date supported two students in Years 9 and 10 with Friends of KDS Performing Arts Scholarship. To make a donation and create your e-card click: HERE, then email to your hosts or print and take with you. Friends of King David School Association is proud to support our fantastic school and salutes the entire school community on an outstanding response to the current challenges.