School News

Kinder children connect with nature on Gan Tevah program
The Gan Tevah (Bush Kinder) program in our ELC is an amazing opportunity for our children to connect with nature on a regular basis. The program teaches children the values of caring for the environment and respecting the relationships

BDPPSA Round Robin joy
All students from Years 5 & 6 competed in the Balaclava District Summer Round Robin this week. Students prepared all term for this day and took on the seven other schools in the district in Basketball, Cricket, Hockey, Teeball &

Prep students learn the ancient tradition of baking shmurah matzah
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Confucius This powerful idea comes to life in our Junior School as the sounds, sights and experiences of Pesach fill the air. Children are not

Gali Eilon visits our Year 12 students
This week Gali Eilon, a visiting Israeli student from the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip, spoke with Year 12 students about her experiences as a 15-year old student on October 7. Gali’s story takes place in Kfar Aza. Gali,

Year 4 Sailors brave the windy seas
The salty air, the rolling waves, and the thrill of the open water – Year 4 recently embarked on their first sailing adventure at the Sandringham Yacht Club! Despite a particularly windy day, the students dove headfirst into the world

Chag Purim Sameach!
As is the custom during the month of Adar, there was plenty of joy today across the School! Purim is always a whirl of colour, costumes and music at King David as we celebrate the bravery of Esther and the

Year 5 Lift Off!
This week, Year 5 lifted off to the Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC) to further their exploration of our solar system. After an early start and a bus trip to Strathmore, Year 5 participated in a range of amazing

Excellent EISM Swim Carnival result
What an incredible result for King David at the EISM Interschool Swimming Carnival this week. Our students competed brilliantly to win a very impressive 3rd place overall and the trophy for “most improved school in the Division.” Well done to

A fabulous Family Fun Purimfest Disco
Our Junior School students and families got into the groove at our Parents’ Association’s inaugural Family Fun Purimfest Disco. A perfect opportunity to increase our joy as we begin the month of Adar. With a DJ, dancing, games and delicious

New dedicated Hebrew books section in our Junior Library
This week, we proudly launched an expanded dedicated Hebrew books section in the Junior School Library! This exciting addition features a fantastic collection of Hebrew books, including beloved titles like Wimpy Kid, Dog Man, Amulet, and many more. Our goal

Gan Rimon and Gan Tamar love Bush Kinder
On Wednesday the excitement was palpable as the Gan Rimon and Gan Tamar children arrived at Kinder, all ready and eager for the day’s adventure (thank you parents!). In preparation for our excursion, we had discussed important safety rules, including

Celebrating Yom HaMishpachah
Year 6 students and their parents came together Thursday morning for the inaugural Year 6 Yom HaMishpachah (Family Day) event. Yom Hamishpachah/Family Day, which falls on the 30th day of the Hebrew month of Sh’vat, marks the anniversary of the

A splash of love at the inter-house Swimming Gala
Last Friday, we dove into an unforgettable Years 6–12 Swimming Gala at Harold Holt Pool, where the water wasn’t the only thing making waves—so was the love and spirit of the day! It was also Valentines Day! The Ruach Vaad

Happy Lunar New Year
Xinnián Kuàilè! Happy Lunar New Year! 2025 is the Year of the Snake! This week, our Year 2 students visited the Chinese Immigration Museum to learn about the rich history and traditions of Chinese culture. One of the most fascinating

A meaningful Welcome to Country
Our students were welcomed onto country on Monday in a smoking ceremony at each campus, led by Boonwurrong elder Uncle William Pepper. This ceremony usually happens on the first day of school for the year but was postponed due to

Planting for Tu BiSh’vat in the Junior Kinder
In the lead up to BiSh’vat we have been reading books about trees, created our own tree crafts and have been learning what trees need to grow and what foods grow on trees. Tu BiSh’vat is the birthday of the

Celebrating Tu BiSh’vat at our Back to School Service
Temple Beth Israel warmly welcomed us to our annual Back to School Service which coincided with Tu BiSh’vat. To celebrate this, the theme of the Service was seasons, with the shul decorated with trees showing Autumn, Summer, Winter and Spring.

Savour the year, Year 12
“You got here by being you, finish it by being the best of you.” Year 12 students launched into their final year last Friday, returning to school before everyone else to settle into their roles as the leaders of the

A wonderful start to Prep
What an exciting start to the school year! Our Prep students have been busy settling into their new routines, exploring the school, and making connections. The Preppies had school all to themselves last Friday to get used to their surroundings

Lifting off with Launch Experience
Our Years 6-8 students started the school year with Launch Experience, a program of events, activities and discussions. This is designed to ensure students have lots of opportunities to get to know each other, familiarise themselves with school procedures and

Year 5 students move on up
Our Year 5 students spent their last day at our Dandenong Road Campus and had a special ceremony where they “walked to” the Middle School at our Magid Campus. They were greeted by Marc Light and their new 2025 Year

Year 11 Cape York First Nations immersion camp
Year 11 students Harriet and Aidan reflect on their experiences on the Year 11 Cape York Immersion camp: Harriet: “Our Year 11 camp to Cairns was a truly transformative experience that brought us closer as a year level while deepening

A wonderful Presentation Evening 2024
Robert Blackwood Hall was filled with splendour on Sunday night as Magid Campus students celebrated our school year, Years 6-12 award recipients, and the Class of 2024. Marc Light gave the message that “your lives can be full of meaning

Shabbat Shalom from Junior Kinder!
What a stunning celebration of all that our Junior Kinder children have learned this year. They came together to showcase their Jewish learning with a Kabbalat Shabbat surrounded by loved ones. Shabbat Shalom! RETURN TO SCHOOL NEWS

Magical performances – The Long and Winding Road to Solla Sollew
The Alexander Theatre came alive with the vibrant energy of our talented Prep-Year 2 students, who performed their much-anticipated musical, The Long and Winding Road to Solla Sollew, adapted from Dr Seuss’ I Had Troubles Getting to Solla Sollew earlier this week. The show was a

Year 6 Changemakers – Living Museum
Last night, our Year 6 students amazed us with their Changemakers Living Museum expo. This was a highlight of their Human Rights and Activism unit. The evening felt alive with energy and creativity, where students embodied changemakers, the individuals who advocated for

Gan Gefen explores design at MoPA
For our final class excursion, the children of Gan Gefen had an incredible experience at the Museum of Play and Art (MoPA), a space designed to inspire creativity, exploration, and hands-on learning. After a quick morning tea, they were divided

Citizen Spokesperson Eli Parkes visits KDS
Year 8 students were privileged to hear Eli Parkes speak about his experience making aliyah to Israel and his contributions to the war effort after Oct 7. Eli was raised in Melbourne and barracks for the Pies. He made aliyah

A Carnival fit for a King!
We did it! What a fantastic, fun day out for our entire community! The rain couldn’t dampen our spirits or keep our wonderful King David community away. Thousands of people came through the gates on Sunday for the much-loved King’s

HaGal Sheli (My Wave) visits King David
Year 7 students were privileged to hear from Rachel Kaplan, from HaGal Sheli, an Israeli NGO, which has been helping “at-risk” Israeli youth through surfing in various clubs along the Mediterranean coast. As an Israeli tour guide, I myself was

KDSPA welcomes new President
At today’s Annual General Meeting for The King David School Parents’ Association (KDSPA), Marc Light thanked the Committee for their tireless dedication to building community at KDS and fundraising through the many initiatives and events held throughout the year. Acknowledgement

Celebrating our Senior Kinder in the Urban Forest
As the year draws to a close, we celebrated our kindergartners’ journey with a magical end-of-year celebration at the Urban Forest filled with creativity, exploration, and joy! The children were buzzing with excitement as they donned their beautiful crowns, each

Celebrating Shabbat with our Grandparents and Special Friends
This morning our Prep to Year 2 students shared Shabbat with their Grandparents and Special Friends. The Kobritz Hall was filled with song, tzedakah, and ruach as each year level welcomed Shabbat with their family members. With songs new and

Year 4 Camp Adventure
Our Year Four camp to Wombat Corner was an unforgettable adventure, packed with excitement, new skills, plenty of laughter, and awesome food! Students had the chance to try a variety of activities that encouraged teamwork, bravery, and resilience. One of

Gan Gefen make ‘bug hotels’
Gan Gefen have been learning that our garden is home to many insects, each with unique roles in the ecosystem. We have helpful pollinators like bees and butterflies, soil-enriching worms, and natural pest controllers like ladybugs and spiders. However, not

Our Junior Athletes shine
Faster, Higher, Stonger – Together! Our Junior School Athletes showed determination, courage and team spirit at the annual Inter-house Athletics Gala. We are so proud of the way our students encouraged each other and worked together! Mazal tov to Galil,

Year 4 are Mad about Forces
On Wednesday our Year 4 students had an unforgettable science incursion with Mad About Science, led by Lisa. This interactive session brought our current studies on forces to life in the most exciting way. Over the past few weeks, Year

Tom Sherrington inspires staff and parents with WalkThrus
We were delighted to welcome renowned UK-based educator Tom Sherrington to King David on Tuesday. Tom Sherrington is the creator of the ‘WalkThrus’ framework, which we have began implementing in Term 4 last year. WalkThrus are evidence-based strategies that help

Celebrating Sukkot in our sukkot
King David’s vibrant Jewish Studies and Jewish Experiential Education program gave students from the ELC through to Senior School the opportunity to celebrate and engage in the festival of Sukkot during Chol Hamoed Sukkot. Our youngest learners read a story

A sensational Creative Arts Expo
The annual Creative Arts Expo showcased our incredible Visual and Performing Arts from Years 6 to 12 students last Monday. Stunning Visual Art was on display by our VCE students as well as brilliant Visual Communication and Design and Media

Commemorating together at our Magid Campus
On Monday our Magid campus students commemorated Oct 7 with a heartfelt student-led assembly. Year 12 student Livia led us in a prayer for the welfare of the state of Israel. Principal Marc Light lit a yahrzeit candle and we

One Heart – Commemorating Oct 7 in the Junior School
On Monday, Junior School students commemorated October 7 in a meaningful and age appropriate manner with the theme ‘Am Echad, b’Lev Echad‘ – one nation, one heart. All students made a bag tag with these words. Younger years learned about

Tzedakah for Food Bank Victoria
This term the Year 5 Tzedakah Vaadah (Charity Committee) organised a Junior School Food Drive for Food Bank Victoria. This involved organising set items to be donated by different year levels, creating posters with information on what to donate, setting

The Best Rosh HaShanah Fest
It was a festival of celebration in advance of Rosh HaShanah at the ELC and Junior School today. Activities were all centred around Rosh HaShanah themes and included a bee experience, tashlich, baking round challot and making honey joys. Year

Year 8 share their Passion for Thinking
From Tuesday to Thursday, students diligently prepared Ted Talks on a topic about which they are passionate. These subjects ranged from ‘The Causes of Global Warming’ to ‘Eczema Education’. On Thursday evening, following significant preparation and rehearsal, students confidently shared

Years 3-5 come Back from the Future
Our Years 3-5 students were the stars of the stage this week, performing their musical and dramatic production of Back from the Future to enthralled students and families. Written and directed by our very own Nissim Ben-Salamon, each class showcased

Go go Joseph!
We were taken from Canaan to Egypt earlier this week, travelling with Joseph as he lost and gained his technicolour dreamcoat in our Years 6-9 Musical, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Along the way we bopped to

We’re a 2024 5-Star Innovative Schools Winner
We have just received notification that The King David School has been recognised as a 5-Star Innovative Schools 2024 winner by The Educator for our Integrated English program in the Junior School. This is a remarkable achievement and a testament

We like to hear the Shofar sound
Wow! It’s Elul already – and this week we marked Rosh Chodesh Elul together with our Junior School assembly. In the last month of the Jewish calendar, we hear the sound of the shofar each day, like an alarm clock

Celebrating Yom HaMishpachah
What does “family” mean to you? Our Junior School students took a deep dive into this question as part of Yom HaMishpachah (Family Day), where parent and grandparent volunteers assisted our students in brainstorming key words that represented “family” and

A spectacular Spring Concert
There was a spectacular showcase of our musical talent at this week’s annual Spring Concert. Performers included our RocKing David Band (Junior School students), Junior Choir, Woodwind Quintet, Junior and Senior Strings with Flute and Percussion, Senior Choir and our

Imagination and stamina at Bush Kinder
This week was Gan Tamar’s last Gan Tevah (Bush Kinder) session for the term. With the wind flying through our hair, we eagerly began running up and down the hill, jumping off the tree and rolling down through the long

Commander shares his story
Year 10 students were recently privileged to hear from Liam Spilman, a visiting IDF platoon commander, who was injured by a UAV, during his service on the Lebanese border during the current conflict. He shared his experiences with the students,

Year 5’s great adventure
Last week our Year 5 students had their longest camp yet. From learning about our gold mining history, to experiencing our magnificent landscape on hikes, Year 5 students had an excellent adventure, aided by our wonderful staff and Year 10

Year 10 have the courage to care
Last week the Courage to Care program came to speak to our year level. We learnt about the difference between an upstander, bystander and perpetrator and the impacts each of them have on others. It was also truly incredible to

Year 4 apply knowledge of African ecosystems
On Wednesday Year 4 students took the bus to Werribee Zoo to consolidate their understanding of content knowledge that they have studied throughout the term in their Integrated English unit ‘Blue Marble’. The students got a chance to apply their

Kabbalat Mitzvah – Celebrating our tradition together
Our Year 7 students and their families attended Kabbalat Mitzvah on Tuesday night, a night of education and celebration of mitzvot. At the beginning of the night, representatives of three generations spoke of the importance to Judaism to them: Millie

Dr Megan visits our Year 2 Scientists
As part of Science Week, on Wednesday CSIRO Scientist Dr Megan Sebben had a lively discussion with our Year 2 Scientists about the water cycle. Dr Megan is an expert in groundwater. Year 2 shared what they have recently learned

Our special ELC Shabbat for Grandparents and Friends
There was an incredible showcase of Jewish Life and Learning in the ELC today as beloved grandparents and special friends joined together for a Kabbalat Shabbat with Senior Kinder children. Louise Lowinger, Learning Area Leader Jewish Studies (K-5), spoke about these

Our uplifting Year 10 Shabbaton
Last weekend’s Year 10 Hadracha Shabbaton was an uplifting experience. Anchored in the themes of community, Judaism, and leadership, we participated in many activities exploring topics such as what makes a leader and peer pressure. As the name suggests, the