Year 6 students give Drash during T’filah
We had an extra special student-led T’filah this morning with a d’var Torah from our talented Year 6 students Lily, Milly, Mae and Emmy.
Starting with a lively rendition of Modeh ani, the Tzev Lev J-Life space was filled with ruach as students from year 6 to Year 12 sung and played instruments together.
Lily, Milly, Mae and Emmy then each took turns sharing their d’var Torah for this week’s Parashah, Korach. They spoke about Korach’s jealousy of Aaron and Moses. They said that while jealousy is a natural emotion, like all emotions, it is what we do when we feel jealous that matters. Parashat Korach reminds us that our actions can hurt others, and that – with the ground swallowing Korach and his followers – our actions have consequences.
Kol HaKavod Milly, Lilly Mae and Emmy for their thoughtful drash!
Shabbat Shalom!