Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Celebrating our Class of 2024

Last week we conducted our Celebration Day in honour of the graduating class of 2024, who are also known as Shichvat Lavi. It was a very moving occasion where the staff and students of Magid Campus came together to acknowledge the significant impact that the cohort have made upon the School.

The day was filled with joy, nostalgia and farewell tears. When I addressed the cohort I focused on how proud we are of them. I said that regardless of how the coming weeks transpire, as they commence SWOTVAC and then the gruelling examination schedule, we know that we are sending our wonderful people into the world.

They are a diverse and talented group of individuals who have come together as a powerful collective to contribute meaningfully to the leadership of the School and have helped to entrench a positive culture. They have forged exceptional and productive partnerships with their teachers, have established bonds across the year levels and have also excelled in their studies, in curricular and co-curricular endeavours.

They embody the attributes that are reflective of the true holistic education that we aspire towards with its emphasis on academic skills, social, interpersonal and emotional intelligence, a strong sense of community and a proud Jewish and Australian identity.

I said that when I think of Shichvat Lavi I am reminded of the autocorrect that often happens when I type out The King David School in a hurry. What often occurs is that the word “King” is mistakenly corrected to “Kind”. I feel that this is an apt description of this cohort because all who encounter them are struck by their kindness, their warmth, their strength of character and the values that they demonstrate through their actions.

This was emphasised in the Celebration Day assembly when two Year 11 students, Hugo and Kayla, spoke of the friendship, mentorship and community that the cohort had provided. It was clear that the bonds forged between these two year levels was genuine and was a reflection of the positive impact that the cohort have had on the campus as a whole.

Two members of the graduating class shared their reflections on their time at the School. Alex spoke of how much he appreciated the unique sense of community that he had experienced. He emphasised that this was evident in good times and even more so in difficult times when he felt the warmth of his cohort as part of his broader family.

Tash explained that the relationship with her teachers will be something that she has truly treasured and that she has felt understood for who she is. She shared humorous and tender anecdotes that expressed a deep love for the School, a genuine appreciation of what she has received and an excited trepidation for the promising future.

Watching the cohort overcome with emotion as they sang the school song for the last time on campus, it was clear that the students felt a deep gratitude for their time at King David.

The Celebration Day culminated in a campus wide Guard of Honour where all of our Magid Campus students and staff formed lines for Shichvat Lavi to parade through as they farewelled the campus.

We have high hopes for Shichvat Lavi. We know that wherever the vicissitudes of life take them, their values and character have set them up to make a positive difference.

Chag sameach,
Marc Light