Three different students are in the Sukkah at school, two are holding a Lulav and Etrog.

Celebrating Sukkot in our sukkot

King David’s vibrant Jewish Studies and Jewish Experiential Education program gave students from the ELC through to Senior School the opportunity to celebrate and engage in the festival of Sukkot during Chol Hamoed Sukkot.

Our youngest learners read a story called “Tamar’s Sukkah” in the School’s sukkah! Junior School students went on a ‘Sukkah Hop’, visiting different sukkot on an excursion – including the Magid Campus sukkah where they were led in Sukkot-related games by our Senior student Madrichim. Middle and Senior School students visited the sukkah in their Jewish Studies classes, as well as had a special ReGen Week breakfast in the sukkah, linking environmental awareness with this time. Across the School, students have learned about the arba’at haminim (four species) and made a blessing with the Lulav and Etrog.

Moadim l’Simcha!