Year 10 students on camp with their hands in the air

Year 10 camp – Tiyul b’Vic

This week we emerged a little dusty and dirty but uplifted from four days at Buandik, our bush campsite in Gariwerd (Grampians) National Park. There, together with the Indigicate educators, we set up camp – our temporary community. Through walks, talks and living in the bush, students were able to connect to the environment at a deep level, enriched by First People’s perspectives. We had a very special Shabbat, with tefillah facilitated by the students and fitting to the setting.

Sunday morning saw the cohort divide into four groups – art tour, deeper exploration of Buandik and two overnight hike groups. These each provided unique experiences, a real highlight, while also allowing students to interact in smaller numbers.

The Aviv cohort converged in Horsham for a treat pizza lunch and then traveled to the Little Desert. After the physical exercise and enjoying the great outdoors over the last eight days, the camp shifts gear. The focus for the last few days has been Hadracha (leadership training) and a Thrive (wellbeing) workshop.

On Friday, the group will travel to Cape Bridgewater to enjoy the coast for the last few days of Tiyul b’Vic. 

Warm wishes,
The Tiyul team