Two King David students with kippah on their heads

A Beautiful Kabbalat Siddur

“The world we build tomorrow is born in the prayers we say today.” Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z”l

For over a thousand years, Jewish communities have recorded our tefillot in the form of a siddur. We can walk into any beit knesset (synagogue) worldwide and find a comforting familiarity in the ideas and expressions of our prayer heritage. This week our Year 3 students were brought into that fold, receiving the precious gift of their new siddur. Words of old, encased with their individualised covers and loving inscriptions which were a combination of language and visual that expresses who they are and their families’ dreams for their future.

In addition to our Shacharit service led by the students, families participated in exploratory discussion around the meaning, purpose, experience and expression of tefillot. In a reflective exercise, each family was invited to share feedback on our interactive message board.

Kol haKavod to the students of Shichvat Ilan for a wonderful and thought provoking morning. It was so special to have the opportunity to share, develop, refine and redefine our learning with our families.

Louise Lowinger, Coordinator of Jewish Life & Learning K-5