A meaningful beginning to the school year
In Marc Light’s address at today’s Back to School Service, he asks “so what makes a good beginning?”.
The Years 6 to 12 students were given every opportunity to reflect on this question as they attended a virtual Back to School event. In the interest of the safety of our community as a result of the COVID developments this week, the physical event scheduled for yesterday at Temple Beth Israel (TBI) was moved to a virtual event at the School. Those involved in the delivery of the Service were at TBI and it was shared to students and families watching from school and home via a live stream.
The theme of this year’s Back to School Service was children’s storybooks, with the Hanhagah (Year 12 student leaders) cleverly linking a variety of quotes from children’s storybooks to the meaning of each prayer. The Service gave special honour to our new students starting their learning journey at King David, our committed KDS staff as well as our Year 12 students, embarking on their final year of school. Whilst we were physically apart we certainly felt the energy of the school community and were so grateful to welcome the new school year with a meaningful and fun Shacharit service.
We are looking forward to many more meaningful Jewish life events and moments that will bring the community together one way or another.
The Jewish Life Team