A wonderful start to Prep
What an exciting start to the school year! Our Prep students have been busy settling into their new routines, exploring the school, and making connections. The Preppies had school all to themselves last Friday to get used to their surroundings and new activities.
We went on a special tour around the school, meeting some of the wonderful people who help make our community so special. We visited Fay at reception, Danielle, our art teacher, and Anna, who looks after digital technology and the library, just to name a few!
We also read The Invisible String, a beautiful book that helped us discuss how the people we love are always connected to us, no matter where they are. It was a wonderful way to start building a sense of belonging and community in our classroom.
This week we have continued getting used to our new routines and we have introduced a fun handwriting chant to help us get ready for our lessons:
1, 2, 3, 4 – Feet flat on the floor
5, 6, 7, 8 – My chair is in, my back is straight
9, 10, 11, 12 – This is how my pencil’s held
13, 14, 15, 16 – Now I’m ready for my handwriting!
We can’t wait for all the learning and adventures ahead!
Beck and Alexa
Prep Teachers