All three DAV teams win their rounds
On Wednesday, students in Years 10 to 12 participated in Round 1 of the DAV Debating’s Schools Competition. The students demonstrated dedication as they prepared and rehearsed their speeches. They presented outstanding speeches and excellent teamwork. The A Grade (Years 11 and 12) team argued that the government should build safe injecting rooms, while the Year 10 teams argued that the Victorian government should not financially incentivise people to move to regional Victoria.
All three teams won Round 1. Dylan P., Kiera E., and Zac Y. were awarded Best Speaker. Please see below reflections from two Year 10 debaters, Tali B. and Zachary B.
Mazel Tov, Debaters!
Praachi Juneja
“Last Wednesday was the first debating round of the year. Year 10 students delivered wonderful speeches about whether the government should provide incentives for people to move from urban to regional Victoria. The two year 10 teams were on the negative side of the debate and faced challenging ideas to rebut, both teams followed through and won each of their debates. Zac Yates, a speaker from the second team won best speaker with an outstanding 3rd speaker rebuttal. Some of the arguments which both our teams presented were that the money which would be given to people to move to the country can be used for much better and useful things, as well as saying that if people to move to the country they will break up united community groups and people won’t be able express themselves and their diversity. Overall this debate was one to be proud of for both King David School teams who won the debate!” – Tali B.”This past week, year 10’s most confident public speakers banded together in the first inter-school debate of the year. King David went into Round 1 having prepared for weeks, ready for any opponents. Led by Best Speakers, Zac Yates of the first team and Sophia Barolsky of the second team, both King David teams came out victorious. The verbal jousting, mental battles and confident rebuttals, is what continues to draw these talented school kids in as they expand their vocabulary, speaking and confidence. Once again, congratulations to all of the debaters for getting King David another big win!” – Zachary B.