Alumni share their journeys

To assist our students in exploring career options, we are hosting informal lunchtime chats with some of our KDS alumni that have achieved success across a range of industries.

Jarred Gerson (class of 2011) took some time out of his schedule at the global, commercial law firm Ashurst to discuss the pathway he took to get there and the day to day life as a solicitor. Students enjoyed hearing about how he found university study as a Commerce/Law student at Monash and the exciting overseas opportunities that he engaged with at university and as a graduate lawyer.

As a Medical student currently completing her honours year at Monash University, Tara Finkelstein (class of 2017) aspires to specialise in obstetrics and gynaecology. Tara shared her journey in deciding to apply for Medicine, the results that she achieved in her VCE studies and the UCAT medical entrance exam and how she worked to achieve these. Hearing the day in the life of a Medicine student and the realities of the study and placement schedule was eye opening for the students.

Ari Dancziger (class of 2011) shared his pathway to becoming a consultant at Bain & Company, including his current work within the ALF’s strategy team. Ari attributes his decision to study Commerce at Monash University to his first venture into the business world when studying VCE Business Management at KDS. He discussed his involvement in non-for-profit organisations such as CSG as well as some overseas travel experiences which he felt helped him to develop the skills to secure a place on Ernst and Young’s graduate program.

We thank Jarred, Tara and Ari for giving their time and sharing their experiences with our current students and always enjoy opportunities to connect with our alumni.

Nicki Goodrich

Pathways Advisor