Archibald Prize success
Two King David students are featured in this year’s Archibald Prize finalist lineup.
Evie Orsillo, Year 7, is a finalist in the ‘Young Archie’, the portraiture award for Archibald Prize entrants under the age of 18. Evie’s work, of her brother and fellow King David student Aurelio, is currently on display at the Art Gallery NSW. Evie chose to paint Aurelio because of the significant role he plays in her life. See Evie’s work here.
A portrait of Year 10 student Ella Simons by artist Yvette Coppersmith is one of the finalists in the Archibald Prize (main competition). The Archibald Prize is awarded annually to the best portrait, of a person “distinguished in art, letters, science or politics, painted by any artist resident in Australasia” (Art Gallery NSW, 2022). Ella was the Australian delegate at the Youth4Climate summit, ahead of COP26 [UN Climate Change Conference] in Glasgow, where she was the youngest of 400 international delegates, including Greta Thunberg. Ella, along with other young people, is raising awareness of the impacts of climate change and urging us to act now for her generation. Click here to see Coppersmith’s moving portrait of Ella.