Australasian Philosothon 2020
The King David School had the privilege of participating in the 2020 Australasian Philosothon, held on the 29th and 30th of September. Our team consisted of eight students; Louie Cina, Teige Cordiner, Alex Cowen, Charley Cowen, Leehy Eylon, Emily Givoni, Ziggy Markus and Reine Polevoy – Geller.
This year due to Covid the event was held via Zoom. Our students participated in four communities of inquiry, conducted over the two day event. King David was one of twenty one schools participating from all over Australia and New Zealand. Facilitated by teachers (myself included) and adjudicated by academics of philosophy.
Students discussed and shared opinions on a range of topics; from the trolley problem, to the link between science and emotion, the Matrix and scepticism and an ethical dilemma presented in the case of the four causes. Two inquiries were held in age groups and two in mixed age groups.
Apart from a few technical glitches on the first day, the event was enjoyed by all who participated. Despite not placing in the top 12 schools our students did us proud by participating in this fantastic event.
Michelle Bass
Senior School Teacher
Here are two reflections from our senior students who have a wealth of experience in Philosothons.
“I loved the whole experience, it was amazing to speak to people from all over Australia and New Zealand about so many different topics. I really enjoyed hearing a lot of varying opinions and takes as well as having the opportunity to learn a lot and have a lot of very interesting discussions”. (Louie Cina, Year 11)
“Everyone involved was super interesting and fun and we all had a great time. This was my last Philosothon but I’d definitely recommend it to all the budding minds just beginning their philosophy journey”. (Ziggy Markus, Year 11)