Felicity Perry

Three students and three adults stand in front of the new First Nations mural at the Dandenong Rd campus, they are looking at the camera and smiling

Our beautiful new mural

Over the last few months, local First Nations artist, Heather Kennedy, spent time as artist in residence at our Junior School, working with students to create a meaningful mural. Heather describes the newly installed mural at the Dandenong Road campus as representing the students’ “happy places, family and community”. At an assembly this week, the […]

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Three students smile at the camera - they have just won debating against rival school Mt Scopus

Debating victory

King David VS Scopus. Wednesday. 8pm. June 21, 2023. This was a battle of ages, between two rival Jewish schools. The negative team, consisting of KDS students, was made up of Sophia B, Ebony L, and Zac Y. The debate began with a heated argument from the first Scopus speaker. However, Sophia was up next,

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