Felicity Perry

Six Year 5 students have their arms around each other. They are looking at the camera and smiling. They have just received their leadership groups.

Our Year 5 Leaders

This week was Leadership Week for our Year 5 students. They heard from our school leaders, David Opat and Janice Shearer, as well as from Melbourne Demons players about what makes a good leader. Our students came up with their own list of characteristics of what makes a good leader, and they practiced leadership through […]

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A student wears a King David School Kippah. He is covering his eyes with his hand and holding a new Siddur made for him

Kabbalat Siddur Joy

“…imrei fi v’hegyon libi…” These words towards the end of the Amidah, perhaps encapsulate the essence of t’filah: “the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart”. This week our Year 3 students warmly welcomed their families to join in their t’filah and learning as they received their new “grown-up” siddurim.  The students

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