Felicity Perry


Nitzan Personal Projects

On Wednesdays during Nitzan over the last month, students worked on and created their own personal projects. These projects gave students the opportunity to show the skills they have developed over their schooling and through Nitzan. Many amazing projects were created, including animation, unique art, painting, quilling (see the image above), baking, piping techniques, designing

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Students performing chemistry experiment

Future Fuel Choices

Students in VCE Chemistry 1/2 have been conducting project-based learning on fuel choices for future transport. This has involved measuring energy content in fuels using bomb Calorimetry, creating Galvanic Cells and exploring alternatives such as hydrogen fuel cells. “So they taught us wrong” said Tobi Taranto as he realised that the density water is 0.997

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Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

VCE Explained

We are now half way through the end-of-year VCE examination period. In the lead up to the exam period I wrote to our Year 12s. Here is an extract: I want to let you all know that we are just so immensely proud of you. Year 12 is meant to be a high stakes and

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Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Our teachers, our heroes

“Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth.” This quote by renowned author and physician, Dr Helen Caldicott, expresses the incomparable esteem in which our educators should be held. Similarly, playwright George Bernard Shaw stated that “[t]o me the sole hope

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Miniature children's sukkah with lego

Experiential Learning in the ELC & Junior School

As experiential learners, the Jewish people recreate scenes of hut-like dwelling throughout the chag of Sukkot. We build our shelters and ‘live’ in them for the week-long celebration, practising the mitzvah of hachnasat orchim, welcoming guests.    Our youngest students in the ELC were tasked with decorating our school sukkah this year and enjoyed visiting,

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Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Honouring Eddie Jaku

“There are always miracles in the world, even when all seems hopeless. And when there are no miracles, you can make them happen. With a simple act of kindness, you can save another person from despair, and that might just save their life. And this is the greatest miracle of all.” These inspirational words come

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