Felicity Perry

Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

One year on

his week we marked the anniversary of the day that caused such devastation and has reshaped so much of the world. One year on from the tragedy of October 7 2023, we have a series of searing images scored into our collective psyche. The deliberate but indiscriminate slaughter of people of all stages of life.

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Year 8 student Minnie is with teacher Adi - Minnie has just presented her 'passion project'. Behind her is a screen that says 'how dance can help with neurodegenerative diseases'

Year 8 share their Passion for Thinking

From Tuesday to Thursday, students diligently prepared Ted Talks on a topic about which they are passionate. These subjects ranged from ‘The Causes of Global Warming’ to ‘Eczema Education’. On Thursday evening, following significant preparation and rehearsal, students confidently shared their passions with their peers, families, and staff from The King David School. We all,

Year 8 share their Passion for Thinking Read More »