Felicity Perry

Year 8 student Minnie is with teacher Adi - Minnie has just presented her 'passion project'. Behind her is a screen that says 'how dance can help with neurodegenerative diseases'

Year 8 share their Passion for Thinking

From Tuesday to Thursday, students diligently prepared Ted Talks on a topic about which they are passionate. These subjects ranged from ‘The Causes of Global Warming’ to ‘Eczema Education’. On Thursday evening, following significant preparation and rehearsal, students confidently shared their passions with their peers, families, and staff from The King David School. We all,

Year 8 share their Passion for Thinking Read More »

Years 6-9 students are on stage, dancing in front of a pyramid. They are wearing colourful costimes and are performing in the musical Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat.

Go go Joseph!

We were taken from Canaan to Egypt earlier this week, travelling with Joseph as he lost and gained his technicolour dreamcoat in our Years 6-9 Musical, written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice. Along the way we bopped to the story told through country western, calypso and rock ‘n’ roll by our amazing performers. 

Go go Joseph! Read More »