Caring for Country with play
One of the programs that we will be implementing this term, is Caring for Our Country and the things that we can do to be sustainable including conserving water, turning the lights off, only using one piece of paper towel and recycling.
If you wander around the Gan Rimon kinder room, you will see an area set up called the Loose Parts corner containing boxes, lids, pipe cleaners, wool, sticks, toilet rolls, egg cartons, bubble wrap, feathers, buttons and other natural materials. As early childhood educators, we know the power that loose parts play in unleashing creativity and encouraging problem-solving. We also know that the learning environment is enriched when children can explore open-ended materials.
Some of the benefits of Loose Parts Play include:
- Developing a sense of independence as children have the freedom to explore different materials autonomously.
- Building creative thinking, problem-solving, curiosity and abstract thinking skills as children explore the materials and discover new ways of playing with them.
- Enhancing fine motor skills as children pick up, hold and manipulate materials in multiple ways.
- Facilitating collaboration, sharing and belonging as children interact with others around them engaged in the play.
Navah Macmull
Early Childhood Teacher