
Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Engaging the head, hands and heart in Jewish learning

This week our Year 4 students celebrated their Tanach study with the “Eleh HaShemot” (“These are the names”) presentation shared with family and friends. The session enabled our students to discover the origins of their names and, together with their loved ones, to participate in some shared learning around this theme. The event began with […]

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Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Games Wide Open

In the coming weeks, our community will be transfixed by the Paris Olympics. The Olympics motto was modified prior to the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and it now reads in Latin Citius, Altius, Fortius – Communiter and Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together in English. The original motto emphasises that the Olympics is about achievement in sport at the highest

Games Wide Open Read More »

Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

The art of teaching

I have always been a big believer in the efficacy of parenting books. Some can offer wonderful advice and others great comfort when we realise that the behaviours or issues that keep us awake at night can be regarded as normal. For me, the greatest benefit of these books is that they tend to inspire

The art of teaching Read More »

Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Calling out Anti-Zionism

A cursory analysis of the content of our liturgy, poetry and history identifies that the relationship with Zion is at the heart of the Jewish religion. Many of our prayers, our common cultural conventions and significant archeological findings attest to the multilayered, complex and ancient connection between the Jewish people and Israel. On my recent

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