
Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Regen Week at KDS

Last term I shared with you the significant goal that the School has established to reduce our emissions footprint. There is nothing more important than preserving life and quality of life, so we are determined to strive to be part of the solution regarding climate change, rather than the problem. We also see great opportunity in

Regen Week at KDS Read More »

Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Reflecting on 5782

Throughout the Hebrew month of Elul we have enjoyed the morning ritual of the shofar being blasted throughout the school. Hearing the ancient notes being sent through a 21st century speaker system is somewhat incongruous but speaks to the longevity and continued relevance of the practice. The three notes – tekiah, shevarim and t’ruah – are said to each serve

Reflecting on 5782 Read More »

Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

Our path to zero

Sir David Attenborough famously explains that: “we are at a unique stage in our history. Never before have we had such an awareness of what we are doing to the planet, and never before have we had the power to do something about that. Surely we all have a responsibility to care for our Blue

Our path to zero Read More »