
Six Year 5 students have their arms around each other. They are looking at the camera and smiling. They have just received their leadership groups.

Our Year 5 Leaders

This week was Leadership Week for our Year 5 students. They heard from our school leaders, David Opat and Janice Shearer, as well as from Melbourne Demons players about what makes a good leader. Our students came up with their own list of characteristics of what makes a good leader, and they practiced leadership through […]

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A student wears a King David School Kippah. He is covering his eyes with his hand and holding a new Siddur made for him

Kabbalat Siddur Joy

“…imrei fi v’hegyon libi…” These words towards the end of the Amidah, perhaps encapsulate the essence of t’filah: “the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart”. This week our Year 3 students warmly welcomed their families to join in their t’filah and learning as they received their new “grown-up” siddurim.  The students

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Principal Marc Light is with two Prep students. They are facing the camera and looking down at a game they are playing. They are at their first day of school - building a love of learning and strong Jewish identity.

Firsts and Lasts

The day before everyone returned to school for the year was particularly special for our brand new Prep students and our incoming Year 12 students. Our excited Preppies were finally able to put on their brand new school uniform for their Prep Orientation. The Preps spent time in their classrooms playing, drawing and listening to

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Students on stage dancing at Shir Performing Arts Camp

Soaring at SHIR

Over the holidays, the cast of our 2023 Senior Musical participated in our SHIR camp. Over the four day camp, the students rehearsed many of the songs and dances for the show. The team of dedicated Performing Arts staff were greatly impressed with the talent, commitment and focus of the students involved. Some of the

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