Chag Pesach Sameach!
Hineh ma tov u’ma naim shevet achim gam yachad(How good it is for brothers and sisters to sit together), King David is believed to have written in the Tehillim (Psalms).
We certainly felt the joy this week of sitting and being together through the multiple sedarim held across the ELC and Junior School. Run by the Jewish Life team and in many cases involving parents and grandparents, these sedarim brought the story of the exodus to life through music, story telling, haggadah reading, costumes and re-enactments.
In the Senior School, students were involved in various activities, including learning about Pesach and the seder, making matzah picnics and participating in Ted-X style presentations on a wide spectrum of topics, ranging from modern slavery and bringing a feminist lens to the seder, to exploring sedarim in difficult times and scientific explanations for the ten plagues.
A reminder to put an iceblock on your seder table to get a conversation around climate change started. Register your seder here: https://www.jcn.org.au/register_your_seder
Please also look through our Pesach Toolkit curated by our educators for many resources that you can access to enrich your seder: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FmXnSDF1K4HzexRKNk0umJ0TXBwD1oA5
Sidra Moshinsky
Director of Jewish Life and Learning