Principal's Welcome

Bruchim Habaim and welcome to The King David School.
Schooling is an integral part of our lives, establishing the foundation for our future success. I am proud that at King David, we prepare our students to thrive in the world they will graduate into, ensuring they are collaborative, critical and creative thinkers. Our values of community mindedness, equity, and social justice ensure that students develop emotional intelligence. Students are encouraged to use their achievements to create a better Australia.

From celebrating our Chagim (holidays) to debating Jewish ethics to researching Jewish history, our students experience Judaism as a rich and moving tradition that is relevant to their lives. Our Jewish Life team facilitates hands-on learning that strengthens our students' Jewish and Zionist identities.

As you look on the website, I encourage you to discover our educational philosophy and the extraordinary opportunities on offer both in and out of the classroom. From exceptional outdoor education, to musicals, debating, coding contests and more, our students are able to challenge themselves in a range of environments.

Our School's founders, Isador Magid AO and Rabbi Dr John Levi AC, stand as role models for our students and teachers alike by virtue of their dedication to learning and enlightenment. The school environment they created continues to this day, promoting critical inquiry, positive relationships and the embracing of difference.

It is a privilege to lead Australia's only Progressive Jewish school. I invite you to book a tour and learn more about the King David difference.

Welcome! Bruchim Habaim

We invite you to discover for yourself why more families are choosing King David.

With core values of community-mindedness, equity and social justice, King David students thrive in a warm and caring educational environment with a focus on academic excellence, strong Jewish identity, student wellbeing, and creative thinking skills for the future.

discover king david

Senior students study Talmud with Ilan Bloch, Director of Jewish Life and Learning. They are wearing school uniform and holding paper that they are reading. They are glad to be learning. One student looks at the camera and smiles.

KDS Advantage Scholarship

Enabled by a generous donation to The King David School Foundation, this Scholarship is designed to remove financial barriers, making an immersive Jewish education accessible to students who might otherwise miss out.

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A Year 6 student in uniform is with his parents. They are learning Pirkei Avot together to celebrate Yom HaMishpachah - Family Day, They are happy.

Celebrating Yom HaMishpachah

Year 6 students and their parents came together Thursday morning for the inaugural Year 6 Yom HaMishpachah (Family Day) event.  Yom Hamishpachah/Family Day, which falls on the 30th day of

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Principal's Blog

Each week our Principal, Marc Light shares his insights into current events and educational pedagogy, highlighting how these inform the educational programs and culture at The King David School.

All of Israel is responsible for one another

Since the horrors of October 7 2023 and the ensuing devastating war, we have all experienced the full gamut of human emotions. There has been shock, rage and despair, as well as the brief moments of hope and jubilation, such as when we have seen hostages reunited with their families.

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From Lomza to Melbourne

I hope that you will allow me the indulgence of using this column for something personal this week. Tomorrow is my Bubby (grandmother), Helen Light Senior’s 100th birthday [To avoid any confusion, my late mother, Dr Helen Light, and paternal grandmother Helen Light shared the same name].  While we celebrate

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Small steps lead to big changes

Yesterday we held a wonderful Back to School Service. I would like to share with you an extract from the speech that I offered to our students to welcome them to the event. “Students, one of the great things about being in a school is that each year you are

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