Shabbaton for our Year 12 students
Facilitated by Tzevet Lev (Jewish Life team), a Year 12 Shabbaton was held at Queenscliffe last weekend, with the aim of the camp for students to experience a meaningful Shabbat together and reflect on their time at school. Students explored their connection with the Jewish community and their Jewish identities and discussed what they want this to look like after school.
This was a bittersweet experience as this will be the last time the cohort experiences time away together on a KDS camp.
Here are two student reflections:
The year 12 Shabbaton was the bittersweet summation to the 5 wonderful KDS camps I have attended. Unlike the others, which taught me how to cook rice on a trangia or challenged my canooing or surfing abilities, this camp was unique – it taught me about myself and my relationships with others. I will never forget the unity and friendship bolstered from singing around the campfire, or the tears and attachments brought by individually reminiscing about our schooling to the whole cohort. It provided the rare opportunity to thank my classmates about their impact on my warm King David experience through written notes, allowing me to communicate with people I don’t speak to on a regular school day. Overall, the Shabbaton was the perfect final school camp to help us enjoy our last few months we all have together. – Mia
During the lead-up to the Year 12 Shabbaton, I was extremely sad to be on my final camp. Despite my prior thoughts and feelings, this camp challenged my expectations and was definitely one of the most memorable and enjoyable camps I’ve experienced. The whole year 12 cohort was faced with difficult and uncomfortable situations but managed to become stronger and more united as a group and individually. I was blessed with the opportunity to develop closer relationships with my peers, as I reminisced with each and everyone about a special connection that we shared throughout our schooling. I would like to thank the school for all the amazing opportunities and experiences it has provided for me over the past 15 years of my life. – Mitch