Principal Marc Light looks at the camera, he is wearing a grey suit and smiling. The King David School's logo is behind him, silver on a wood background.

From Lomza to Melbourne

I hope that you will allow me the indulgence of using this column for something personal this week. Tomorrow is my Bubby (grandmother), Helen Light Senior’s 100th birthday [To avoid any confusion, my late mother, Dr Helen Light, and paternal grandmother Helen Light shared the same name]. 

While we celebrate Bubby’s significant milestone I would like to tell you a little about her and why she means so much to me. 

Bubby was born in Lomza in Poland in 1925. She was among the very few members of her extended family who were able to escape Poland before the horrors of the Shoah. 

I have gotten into the habit of mining her for information about her life in Lomza. I ask her about how she celebrated the yom tovim, and what she would eat throughout the week. How would they refrigerate their meat? Whether or not they had access to hot water? 

Unfortunately, at 100, one’s memory is not what it used to be. While Bubby remembers lots of important things, some of the finer details are more elusive. 

Nonetheless, I feel that I have some idea of what her life was like and also I have an understanding of the beautiful relationships that seem to be at the forefront of her memories. 

I often think of the torment my great great grandparents would have faced farewelling their children and grandchildren. At the age of 13, Bubby had to get on a ship and travel across the world to Australia. She had to say farewell to her beloved relatives in the knowledge that she was unlikely to see many of them again.

My grandmother’s grandfather was a Rabbi and a bit of a macher (community leader) in Lomza. They had a special relationship. I am sure that he must have felt that he was saying goodbye forever, but also that he had no idea how his offspring would live Jewishly all the way down under.

At every family simcha and on other grand occasions I imagine just how proud he would be to know that his granddaughter’s grandchildren were living Jewishly. And that her grandson is the Principal of a Jewish school, noch! (moreover)

Both of my paternal grandparents travelled to Australia on the ship, the Oronsay, with their respective families. Bubby has told me this story of encountering a young girl around her same age who wanted to play with her. Due to her experience in Poland she was certain that the girl would not want or would not be allowed to play with her if she was Jewish. When the girl asked her if they could play, my grandmother’s response was to warn her. “I’m Jewish,” she said. The girl’s response – “I’m Church of England – nice to meet you.” A firm friendship was formed.

At Lee Street Primary School my grandmother and her little brother Yossl, my great uncle Joe, experienced the bullying that was reserved for the other.

Bubby was laughed at for not always understanding English well enough and she still speaks with fondness about her teacher, Miss Moroney. She took her on outings to help her improve her language skills and stood up for her in class when the other children laughed at her. She said “Helen understands Yiddish, Polish and English which is more languages than any of you.” This instilled in my grandmother the greatest appreciation for educators but also a profound sense of respect and appreciation for those of different cultural backgrounds. This carried through to a passion for travel to see things firsthand and Bubby is fond of saying that she is a “citizen of the world.” 

Bubby was very involved in the emerging youth movement of Habonim and takes great pride in knowing that her great-grandchildren are still very involved in the movement. Every now and then she bursts out in Chalutzik songs or regails us with funny anecdotes from her Habo days.

Bubby was a feminist before she knew what the word meant. She formed an incredible mutual partnership with my Zeida (grandfather) to establish a glove manufacturing business. She also found her spiritual home at Temple Beth Israel where she expressed joy at feeling included and valued equally as a woman.

Bubby and Zeida made huge sacrifices to send their children to Jewish schools and she told me that she even forewent furniture, leaving rooms unfurnished to be able to do so. This valuing of Jewish education continued with the birth of The King David School. She has always been a great supporter of The King David School as her five grandchildren and three of her great-grandchildren attended the School. 

As her children grew up, she found fulfilment working as a Probation Officer supporting vulnerable people to find their feet.

Along with their Jewish tradition, Bubby and Zeida embraced art and culture. They collected eclectic artworks and even more eclectic artists who became the centre of their social world.

Bubby is also a committed lifelong learner. She would enrol in one subject a year at university – even studying alongside her grandchildren; was a committed participant at University of the Third Age; and now makes sure never to miss a current affairs lecture at Emmy Monash Aged Care which is now her home.

I have learnt so much from my Bubby over the years. She has overcome some extraordinarily difficult times and these have taken their toll. Nonetheless, she is the most consistently positive person I know. She never complains about anything. She expresses joy, loves and laughs easily. She delights in the company of others and shows appreciation for every precious day.

Biz hundert un tsvantsik, Bubby! (Until a 120!)

Shabbat Shalom,
Marc Light