Gali Eilon visits our Year 12 students
This week Gali Eilon, a visiting Israeli student from the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip, spoke with Year 12 students about her experiences as a 15-year old student on October 7.
Gali’s story takes place in Kfar Aza. Gali, with wisdom and sensitivity, helped save dozens of people. From her safe room, she managed a WhatsApp command centre. People in the kibbutz sent her distress calls and locations, which she forwarded to soldiers, even prioritizing them over herself, while placing herself last in priority, which almost cost her life. On that day, Gali lost her father, Tal Elon z”l, who fought bravely in the kibbutz.
We are always pleased to cooperate with the United Israel Appeal, which we thank for sponsoring Gali’s visit.
Ilan Bloch
Director of Jewish Life and Learning