Happy Birthday Rabbi Levi
Tomorrow is our school’s founder, Rabbi Dr John Levi AC DD’s 90th birthday. Rabbi Levi is so important to our school community.
He has also played a very significant role in my life. He officiated at my Bar Mitzvah and my wedding and was a very strong influence in my childhood at The King David School and in my growing up in and around Temple Beth Israel. He has supported me professionally and was among the Council members present when I shared my proposed vision for the School as part of my recruitment process.
I have always known Rabbi Levi to be someone who exudes wisdom, good will and humour, while challenging us with his sharp intellectual analysis of parashiyot, world and communal events.
As a young student at KDS I remember Rabbi Levi and Robyn’s presence at many school events.
Rabbi Levi’s portrait and photos are displayed around the School and they document his involvement in the key moments in our history. There is the famous photo of him from 1983 jointly opening our new preschool centre with Prime Minister, Bob Hawke. There is another from 7 November 1986 where he sits alongside the then President of Israel, Chaim Herzog. I remember that event too as I was one of the students who sang Valtzing Matilda in Hebrew to welcome his excellency the President.
It is incredible to think of the Levi’s care and dedication for the School and that their commitment to the success of The King David School has not wavered throughout the School’s entire history.
The King David School will be forever indebted to Rabbi Levi who together with our other founders conceived of and established our School. He then acted as a champion of King David throughout our 46 year history.
Rabbi Levi determined the need for a Progressive Jewish Day School and went about gathering support and driving the project which ultimately led to our opening in 1978. Since then, Rabbi Levi has been a tireless advocate for the School. He acted as a board member for nearly 40 years, provided educational support, advised on Jewish matters and worked hard to foster donor and community support.
Over the period of Rabbi Levi’s involvement, we have grown from a fledgling new school with 45 students to now boasting more than 700 enrolments who are fortunate to benefit from outstanding educational offerings, programs and facilities. Throughout the School’s history, Rabbi Levi has been involved in supporting almost every area of school activity from Principal and Jewish Studies staff appointments to community support.
Without doubt, Rabbi Levi has been the single most significant figure in our school’s history. It is because of him that we exist and we are so grateful to him for envisioning us and then ensuring our growth, developing our culture and ensuring our success.
On behalf of the King David community, I wish Rabbi Levi a very happy birthday.
Shabbat Shalom,
Marc Light