Holistic learning experiences
Renowned early 20th century educator John Dewey stated that “All genuine learning comes through experience.”
While there is always a place for theoretical knowledge, there is no doubt that practical experiences in which our students are challenged to apply a range of skills and develop their understandings in real world contexts, can prove extremely valuable in augmenting their learning and development.
This is why I am so proud of the diverse and rich learning activities that our school prioritises at each stage of schooling. The holistic learning model which we favour, couples academic progress with social, emotional, sporting, creative and spiritual learning opportunities that are often enjoyed outside the constraints of the classroom walls.
In recent weeks students across the School have been invited to embrace the challenges of testing their mettle in a range of outdoor education experiences.
Our Year 7s have been away on their water sports camp at Angelsea this week. This comes at an opportune time as we welcome a whole new class into this cohort. The camp is a valuable opportunity for the cohort to bond, make new connections, learn new skills and to develop resilience through failing and ultimately succeeding in the new water-based challenges that they have been set.
Similarly, earlier this term, the VCE Physical Education students had opportunities to apply the theory and content that formed the basis of their areas of study in the real world setting of a surf-based camp in Point Lonsdale. Likewise, our VCE Geography students were offered the chance to apply their study of “Hazards and Disasters” by exploring the seas off Portsea through snorkelling and boat-based activities.
On the nautical theme, our Year 4s have just launched their year-long sailing program. This is a peak inter-disciplinary model which will provide opportunities for our students to simultaneously cover aspects of their science, maths, Geography and wellbeing curriculum while developing important character traits such as responsibility, trust, perseverance and positive collaboration. Their initial session saw them learning rope skills, buoyancy and navigation – what an amazing way to learn!
Our youngest students are also included in these vital offerings. One of the highlights of our kindergarten program is the regular Bush Kinder outings. This program takes our play-based learning into the great outdoors and has been designed to deeply engage our students with nature and to enhance their love of being in a range of natural settings. It encourages risk taking and development of the skills to develop both a sense of comfort and wonder in exploring the natural playground of Australia’s native fauna and flora.
In addition to the specific programs mentioned, there are myriad other experiential learning opportunities through Jewish life, Performing arts, our ski sports offerings, our weekly Prep to Year 2 Kibbutz David HaMelech program, our Year 9 Nitzan program and our extraordinary range of camps across Year 4 through Year 12.
The King David School’s genuine commitment to holistic learning enables us to see our students as whole people who need to be supported in developing knowledge, skills, character traits, ethics and relationships.
Our investment in engaging and diverse learning opportunities, such as those described here, is helping us to ensure that they will be able to thrive in the broad and varied ways that they will be called upon to demonstrate in the future.