The King David School Parents’ Association aims to:
- Raise funds and apply these funds towards developing and improving the facilities of The King David School.
- Ensure all families feel welcome and included and to provide a social forum for the School community.
We coordinate Class Representatives in every year level from ELC – Year 12 to:
- Facilitate a supportive social network amongst the class parents and families
- Assist in organising class presents or cards when appropriate
- Be a liaison between the class parents and the Parents’ Association regarding information distribution, feedback and concerns.
We welcome help and input from parents, grandparents and relatives. If you have any questions about the Parents’ Association and/or would like to be involved as a general volunteer or on a committee of your interest, please contact the KDSPA via our email address kdspa@kds.vic.edu.au – or contact any campus office to leave us a message. We welcome your suggestions and comments.
Please contact us for further information or just to have a chat!
Ganit Taft
President – King David School Parents’ Association (KDSPA)
Meet our KDSPA Committee
Ganit Taft
Laurelle Kobritz
Vice President
Kate McCleary
Vice President
Shelley Blankfield
Ora Glickman
Lori Chait
Class Rep Coordinator
Amy Banner
Nadine Barkay
Jacqui Dubs
Tara Kornhauser
Simone Mark
Tiffany Mulezy
Ilana Nahum
Sarah Popper
Britt Weinstein
Supporting KDS
Family Businesses
This year, we have launched our directory of KDS Family Businesses so that we can support each other. If you are a current family and would like your business included in this list, please email kdspa@kds.vic.edu.au
For the current listings, please click HERE.