KDSPA welcomes new President
At today’s Annual General Meeting for The King David School Parents’ Association (KDSPA), Marc Light thanked the Committee for their tireless dedication to building community at KDS and fundraising through the many initiatives and events held throughout the year. Acknowledgement was also given to those KDS parents who contribute in small or big ways to the success of the School with second hand uniform sorting, baking, and many other volunteering roles.
Marc warmly thanked Tina Landsberg for all she has given to the School as President on KDSPA over the last four years (and a total of nine years as a member of KDSPA). Her vision, passion for the School and leadership has ensured a dynamic and future-focussed committee. Tina has served her final term as President and Ganit Taft was unanimously voted as the new KDSPA President. Mazal tov Ganit! To support her are Vice Presidents Kate McCleary and Laurelle Ritz. Shelley Blankfield retains the position of Secretary, Ora Glickman as Treasurer, and Lori Chait as Class Rep co-ordinator. The general members are Amy Banner, Jacqui Dubs, Tara Kornhauser, Simone Mark, Tiffany Mulezy, Ilana Nahum, Sarah Popper and Britt Weinstein.
We’re looking forward to 2025 and all the exciting initiatives planned by our KDSPA Committee.