Launching into the new school year
For some students, it might be daunting to start at a new school or a new campus and even for those who have been on the campus for a while, coming back after a summer break can sometimes be nerve-wracking. There are questions, which range from how will I know where my classes or the bathrooms are? to who will be in my class; will I make new friends; will I like my new teachers and will they understand me? And of course, many others in between.
As educators, we know that if our students are feeling unnerved, they can’t learn efficiently. So the School developed the Launch Week program which runs for the whole of the first week of school for students in Years 6-8 with the primary focus of connection. We want our students to be excited about the possibilities for the year ahead, to feel positive and energised about being in the school environment and to feel part of our King David community.
Throughout Launch Week, our students engaged in a range of activities of timetabled regular classes and special activities both on and off-site which provide opportunities for connecting to their peers and to their teachers. They also participated in a skills boot camp program which focuses on integral skills for successful engagement in their own learning; collaboration, communication, critical and creative thinking and problem-solving as well as exploring the organisational skills and structures which will support their endeavours.
We are thrilled that our students have launched themselves into the 2021 academic year in such a positive and energised manner.
Jayne Wise
Senior School Wellbeing Coordinator
Please read some student reflections below:
“This week during Launch Week we were introduced to the Senior campus by our new teachers. We were taken on many different tours around the campus and were shown
all our classrooms including our teachers. We discussed many different topics about our time in this campus and were given an introduction to our casual every day lessons. By
the end of Launch Week I had a great time including some highlights I enjoyed most. Discovering my class and Kesher teacher was a thrilling excitement, including receiving
my schedule or also known as a cycle. Overall I had a great time during Launch Week and became familiar with my surroundings creating a great environment for school.” Lulu Freitag
“There were so many fun activities during Launch Week. My highlight was making, racing and painting our own wooden carts. I loved the part when we got to hammer the nail into the wood and play around with gears. I liked rolling and racing them to make the drive across the oval. When I got home I liked painting the car and putting cool designs like flames on the mini go-kart. It was fun seeing everyone cars and seeing who’s car would go the furthest. I think my car, design and skill of woodwork was alright. Luca Kaye
“I have really enjoyed coming to KDS and being in a new and bigger environment. I think that Launch Week was a great idea because I only knew all the kids that have graduated from Sholem, friends from Scouts and a few KDS students. Now I have made new friends. I have also liked that we’ve been able to meet different teachers and see the School and how the School and classes run without pressure. Kesher has been enjoyable even though I have only had Annie and Damien. King David is a beautiful school! Ashton Samuel
Launch Week has been a blast! We have done so many amazing activities throughout this packed week. Some highlights were the Project Rockit workshop where we learnt about our values and how we can use them to help us in life. We also met the Jlife team who taught us the School song and Hatikvah. On Wednesday we had a double period of science where we launched marshmallows as far as they can go, learning about forces. We also made our own motors and explored circuits. As you can tell Launch week was filled up with so many fun activities; I haven’t even listed them all! There is still maths, Hebrew, electives and sport. The new students have settled in so well, it feels like they have always been part of the Year 7 family!
On behalf of the year 7 cohort I would like to thank all the teachers who made this week as awesome as it was. Especially Miss Syros and the Kesher teachers. Even when covid unexpectedly forced them to come up with alternative activities they still managed to put a smile on our faces. Eden Lentin
“This week has been enjoyable and satisfying, not overcomplicating things, and keeping it low key. We have been exploring some of the classes we have in Year 8 while reconnecting with our peers. I think if we were to do anything different we could have done a little more movement and engaging activities. Our intro maths class did this quite well with us having to solve a murder mystery with varied puzzles to deduce the killer. In the end, it was nice and breezy, and I can tell it will be an exciting year”. Amos Almagor
“Launch Week was a great experience to get to know fellow peers and new teachers. Doing the 1000 steps was challenging but fun. I really enjoyed the programs in groups using teamwork and leadership skills”. Kayla Pizzo
“I really enjoyed Launch Week! Making new friends and doing fun activities”. Zac Cashmore
“Launch week has been a fun experience. It’s a good way to bond with the teachers and students before we start properly working. Overall it’s been great” Sammy Berek Lewis
“I quite liked Launch week. I think it is probably a really good way to socialise. I think it is perfect for Years 6,7, and 8. There’s quite a few new kids so I think it is perfect. My highlight of the week was definitely the excursion. I loved going to the 1000 steps, it was so much fun”. Jemma Seligmann