Learning in the Sukkah
With blue skies finally shining upon us, our Junior School students spent time learning in the Sukkah and celebrating one of Shloshet haRegalim, the three Pilgrimage Festivals, together.
As we participated in Kabbalat Shabbat, we had the opportunity to fulfill the mitzvah of eating in the Sukkah. Students then enjoyed taking turns bringing together the lulav and etrog and shaking them in all directions.
Students learned about the meanings of the four special species of willow, palm, myrtle and etrog. They also learned about our ancestors’ time in the desert and the origins of our temporary ‘dwellings’, our sukkot!
Wishing everyone a Chag Sukkot Sameach – Moadim l’Simcha and Shabbat Shalom!
Louise Lowinger
Coordinator of Jewish Life & Learning K-5