Three Junior School students are shown with the bag tags they made to commemorate Oct 7.

One Heart – Commemorating Oct 7 in the Junior School

On Monday, Junior School students commemorated October 7 in a meaningful and age appropriate manner with the theme ‘Am Echad, b’Lev Echad‘ – one nation, one heart. All students made a bag tag with these words. Younger years learned about how Jews all around the world support each other. Older students also learned about the Acheinu prayer. The slide featured these words:

“The Acheinu prayer is a special prayer Jews have recited for over a thousand years where we ask for help for people who are going through really hard times. This prayer is about people who are being held captive, meaning they are stuck somewhere or being kept against their will. In this prayer, we ask God to watch over them, give them strength, and help them be free again so they can be with their families and live safely. This prayer reminds us how important it is to care about others, especially people who are in difficult situations. Even if we can’t help directly, we can still pray and hope for their safety and freedom, and by praying together, we show that we’re thinking about them and wishing for the best. By praying these words, we are reminded that we are all connected and responsible for helping each other.”

Am Yisrael Chai.