Celebrating Tu BiSh’vat at our Back to School Service
Temple Beth Israel warmly welcomed us to our annual Back to School Service which coincided with Tu BiSh’vat. To celebrate this, the theme of the Service was seasons, with the shul decorated with trees showing Autumn, Summer, Winter and Spring.
Planned and led by our Vaadah Yehadut (Year 12 Jewish Life committee), the Service honoured our Class of 2025, and provided inspiration for growth throughout this year. Principal Marc Light’s speech asked us to reflect on what it is to be our best selves, while Year 12 student Billy’s drash on Parashat Yitro shared the message that legacy is not about grand gestures but rather what we do in the small moments. Year 12 student Harriet reflected on the relationship between her school journey and her Jewish identity, that through education she is proud of our customs, rituals and history.
The Torah service was expertly led by Year 8 student Millie with Gemma (Year 9), Ezra (Year 10) and our Coordinator Jewish Experiential Education Joshua New, leyning.
Year 12 student Kiera was called to Torah for the first time, becoming Bat Mitzvah. Mazal tov to Kiera and her family!
Grandparents Esti and Pam led a blessing for the next generation, while Year 9 Coordinator Brad Smith led a prayer for the hostages and Learning Area Leader Hebrew & Jewish Studies Feygi Phillips offered a prayer for students on behalf of the teachers. There were also blessings for Australia and the State of Israel.
Rabbi Allison Conyer offered the Year 12 students the Birkat HaKohanim, blessing them with a beautiful year with this ancient prayer.
Thank you to the Vaadah Yehadut (Year 12 student committee): Daniel, Hugo, Abi, Mia and Kayla for your vision, planning and facilitation of the service. Thank you to Joshua New, Ilan Bloch and Jade Karp for your oversight and direction. Finally, thank you to Temple Beth Israel for hosting us and supporting the service.