Our uplifting Year 10 Shabbaton
Last weekend’s Year 10 Hadracha Shabbaton was an uplifting experience. Anchored in the themes of community, Judaism, and leadership, we participated in many activities exploring topics such as what makes a leader and peer pressure.
As the name suggests, the camp saw a range of student leadership, with peer-run activities including meaningful Kabbalat Shabbat, Shacharit, and Havdalah services as well as a high-energy Olympics-themed dinner.
We also enjoyed long walks through the beautiful Emerald Lake precinct, a classic evening of ruach, and year-level bonding. Camp was a wonderful opportunity to get to know and learn from the trio of Shlichim – Yael, Snir, and Ofer – who have come all the way from Israel to enrich our Jewish educational experiences. Despite the glacial temperatures, this jam-packed Shabbaton helped stoke the fire of our collective Jewish neshamah.
Thanks so much to the Tzev Lev team, Shlichim, and other staff who made this camp happen.
Lennox, Year 10