Our Year 5 Leaders
On Friday our Year 5 leaders were awarded their leadership badges at a special assembly where they were welcomed as school leaders. David Opat reminded us that the best leaders lead by example. Instead of telling someone to pick up rubbish, a leader will pick up rubbish and ask people to join them. Our Year 12 Roshei Hanhagah, Charley Cowen and Oscar Black, fondly remembered their time as Junior School leaders and encouraged our new leaders to keep thinking of others.
The Year 5 students are excited about STEPping up as leaders – they will Serve others, Take initiative, Exemplify school values, (have) Purpose. They will Show what is right, Tell the truth, Encourage others to do what is right, and Persist if they are criticised.
The Year 5 Vaadot (committees) this year are: Yehadoot (Jewish Life), Iton (Media and Newspaper), Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World), Ruach (Spirit and Kindness), and Echoot Hasviva (Environment).
Each student, including those at home on hybrid learning, explained the goals of their Vaad. After receiving their badges and certificates, the Year 5 students took an oath promising to lead to the best of their abilities.
Our Year 5 leaders are already making a difference at our school and we can’t wait to see what else they achieve!