Outstanding VCE results
We are so proud of our brilliant graduating Class of 2022.
At our recent Graduation Dinner, Marc Light said the following to the students:
“We are all so proud of you. You are an extraordinary group of individuals who as a group have made a wonderful impact on our school community and on one another. You have been fun and funny, you have been interested and you are interesting. You embraced all we have on offer and set the mark for school involvement and positivity … You have so much promise and I know each of you will make a positive difference.”
The students’ dedication and commitment, supported and guided by the expertise of their teachers has enabled them to achieve results that will open doors to the tertiary courses they seek and continue to place The King David School in the top echelons of the State.
This year, the students’ ATAR results are as follows:
5% achieved 99 or above placing them in the top 1% of the State
27% achieved 95 or above, placing them in the top 5% of the State
49% achieved 90 or above placing them in the top 10% of the State
80% achieved 80 or above placing them in the top 20% of the State
92% achieved 70 or above placing them in the top 30% of the State
The Median Study Score was 36.
This year’s Dux is Mia Wald who achieved an ATAR of 99.85. Mia achieved an incredible three perfect Study Scores of 50 including one last year.
Mazal tov also to Joshua Shifman (99.55) and Noah Spitz (99.4).
Congratulations to the following students who achieved perfect Study Scores of 50:
- Teige Cordiner – Year 11 (Applied Computing Software Development)
- Joshua Shifman (Business Management)
- Mia Wald (Biology AND English)
100% of our students received a first round University offer, with 71% receiving their first preference.