Senior School (Years 10 - 12)
At our Senior School, students embrace collaborative, creativity and critical thinking. They become citizens who want to contribute to Australian society as well as the wider Jewish community.
They embody our values of inclusivity, tikkun olam, a meaningful relationship with Israel and a love of learning. Our students are nurtured and challenged in and out of the classroom, taking advantage of our co-curricular programs and our many opportunities to excel.
Year 10 Career Pathways
At Year 10 the Career program begins with a diagnostic test, the Morrisby Report. All students and their parents receive a detailed analysis of the students’ aptitudes and interests and recommendations about career options.
The Pathways Adviser is closely involved in the process of subject selection for students entering VCE. With their support, students ensure that pre-requisite subjects for which they qualify and which are necessary for entry to their preferred tertiary courses are chosen.
Core Subjects
• English
• History
• Jewish Studies
• Mathematics
• Science
• Sport
• Wellbeing
Elective Subjects
Applied Computing (VCE)
• Art
• Business Management (VCE)
• Drama
• French
• Geography (VCE)
• Geopolitics
• Health & Human Development (VCE)
• Hebrew (VCE)
• Hebrew (VET)
• History – Crime & Punishment
• History – Shoah through Film
• Literature
• Mathematical Methods (VCE)
• Media
• Music
• Philosophy
• Physical Education (VCE)
• Psychology (VCE)
• Religion & Society (VCE)
• Sport Science – Elite Performance
• Visual Communication Design
Special Programs
• Yesh Israel
• Zionist camp
VCE at King David
The teaching team at The King David School is comprised of educators whose extensive professional experience and passion enables students to receive meaningful and well-targeted instruction that can be implemented. Our teachers work as a team to support and challenge students and to encourage them to make this period the most educationally exciting and rewarding they have yet experienced.
When students are designing their course of study, students are encouraged to choose units that: • Interest them • They have an aptitude for • Are pre-requisites for further training or tertiary courses that they are considering.
Throughout VCE the students receive updates regarding Open Days, closing dates for interviews and folio submission as well as gap year options. A Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) information evening is held annually for parents and students in Year 12 to familiarize them fully with the process of the selection of tertiary courses through VTAC. After graduation, our Pathways Adviser is available to assist and counsel students who want to change their original preferences.
VCE Subjects Offered at King David
- Accounting
- Business Management
- Legal Studies
- Health & Human Development
- Physical Education
- Geography
- History (Modern)
- History (Revolutions)
- Philosophy
- Applied Computing
- Global Politics
- Religion and Society
- English
- French
- Hebrew
- Literature
- VET Hebrew – Certificate II & III in Applied Languages
- General Mathematics
- Further Mathematics
- Mathematical Methods (CAS)
- Specialist Mathematics

Co-Curricular Programs
Our before and after school sports programs, lunch time activities, leadership opportunities, participation in inter-school sporting competitions and extensive performing arts programs offer students an avenue for self-expression.
These rich holistic learning opportunities available at The King David School provide a broad educational model that extends students to ensure that they develop habits that will see them enjoying a well-rounded life.