Successfully navigating uncharted territories
As we draw to the conclusion of Term 2 it is apt to reflect on what has arguably been the strangest term in memory.
This term, we have been tested in very different ways and have faced the uncertainty of life in a pandemic, the extended distance learning period and then the careful return to on-campus learning.
It is said that it is in times of challenge and hardship that true character emerges. If this is so, what can we say of the King David community’s character?
Throughout this seemingly eternal term, we have pulled closer together, even as social distancing measures were enforced. We have shown ourselves to be more generous and compassionate, even when our own needs and sense of normality was under threat. We have infused our school with laughter, joy and fun, as the wider society experienced fear and anxiety.
I have never been prouder to be part of this community. While we are at the end of term, I must check myself from adopting a tone that implies that these challenges are over. As we reflect on our successes, we are well aware of the recent surge in COVID-19 cases and the fragility of our return to quasi-normal school life.
But with this in mind, we can be confident that whatever is thrown at us we will handle. I have written to you previously to draw attention to the inspiring resilience of our students who have defied their generational stereotypes to cope, and in many cases thrive, throughout adversity and uncertainty. I continue to be in awe of our Year 12s who remain the lifeblood of school spirit and have adjusted to the mix of remote and in-person assessments that have been presented this term. To all our students I say thank you for your flexibility and engagement throughout this challenging term.
In this forum and others, I have expressed my gratitude to the many community members who have been so important in sustaining us throughout this term. We are so grateful to our parents and families who have, more than ever before, acted as our partners in ensuring the educational progression of our students.
To our School Council I thank you for your wisdom, guidance and courage in helping our team to navigate these uncharted territories.
We are so lucky to have the staff we have at this school. As our staff members largely moved into remote operation they did so with professionalism and positivity. They juggled their competing concerns to ensure that the learning continued. Every member of staff put the needs of our students first and worked hard to preserve the unique KDS culture through excellent communication and creativity.
I want to acknowledge the incredible efforts of all our staff and express my particular thanks to the members of the Senior Leadership Team who each gave everything they had and stood up in such inspiring ways to lead us through the challenges that we have been facing.
Our promise to our school community is that the same focus on safety and caution will continue to applied alongside the warmth and vivacity that characterises our holistic learning program whatever the future brings.