Five students are in school uniform. They are smiling and holding up their Rosh HaShanah work that is in the shape of a beehive.

The Best Rosh HaShanah Fest

It was a festival of celebration in advance of Rosh HaShanah at the ELC and Junior School today.  Activities were all centred around Rosh HaShanah themes and included a bee experience, tashlich, baking round challot and making honey joys. Year 5 students visited the Junior Kinder children and read Rosh HaShanah stories together and created beautiful greeting cards for the children to share with their families. Marc Light sounded the shofar and set a new school record for the longest Tekiah Gedolah blast we’ve heard so far!

At the Magid Campus, we are about to have a special Rosh HaShanah assembly for Period 6 where we will welcome our new hanhagah and give out apple and honey and the special High Holy Days Booklet prepared by our Middle and Senior School Experiential Jewish Educators. Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova uMetukah!