The greatness of our school
On Monday night we celebrated (yes, celebrated!) The King David School’s monumental achievements in 2020 at a Presentation Evening with a difference on the big screen at Coburg Drive-In cinema.
I say celebrated, because even though there have been extraordinary challenges this year, there have been so many positives in the way that our school community has united and the extraordinary response of our educators and families.
This was not a typical year but it was not a year lost. This was apparent in the 2020 highlight video that were presented on Presentation Evening. It started with a typical joyous return to school after the holidays and followed with the vibrancy and colour of Purim, then smiling students learning and playing sport and music. The video then transitioned to cover the enormous diverse range of online activities undertaken throughout the distance period. Then another transition – a return to school with masks and temperature checks but still happy children and teachers and meaningful holistic learning opportunities.
This has been the story of the year. We have had to be incredibly flexible but also to maintain a constant focus on the learning and wellbeing of our students, care for our staff and support for our families. It has been a monumental effort to ensure that the School was able to sail through 2020’s treacherous waters.
Below is an excerpt from my speech at Presentation Evening that acknowledges those who made this possible.
“As we rode through the ups and downs of this tumultuous year, I have never been prouder to be part of this community. I wish to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of The King David School staff who despite the challenges have made this year such a rewarding one for our school. You have worked so hard to create the opportunities that our students deserved under the most trying of circumstances.
For large parts of this year the School’s leadership acted as a crisis management team. I am forever indebted to this phenomenal group of people. To Cathy Kaiserman, Russell Kaplan, Rod Kenning, Fred Kok, Michelle Lazarow, Sidra Moshinsky and David Opat, I thank you for the vision, friendship and stability you showed. Thank you to Danielle Sacher who has been such a wonderful support throughout this year.
I would also like to acknowledge our incredible School Council and, in particular, our president, Lahra Carey. Lahra, your wisdom, thoughtfulness and compassion were invaluable throughout the year. Each Council member volunteers uncountable hours to further the achievements of our school. Thank you to each of you.
This year our parent body showed enormous faith in us. In 2020, more than ever, we appreciated what a privilege it is to be entrusted with your children’s wellbeing and education. We know you understand how seriously we take this mission and how grateful we are for your support.
Finally, I would like to thank our students. You have shown incredible positivity, resilience and courage in a year that did not go to plan. The greatness of our school stems from your joy, your humour, your creativity and your energy. It is a great privilege to work for you and with you.
Thank you to all of you – We Made It!”