To know our family stories is to know ourselves
Kol Hakavod to the Year 7s of 2020/5780-81 who have worked so hard in challenging times to tell the stories of the Dorot (Generations) of their families and to create precious projects that we hope will be treasured for years to come.
To know our family stories is to know ourselves. With a strong sense of the past, our family’s ups and downs, we lay strong roots from which to grow, develop, and experience the new while retaining traditions.
Our family trees illustrate our connections; the stories we record give substance and life to the names; precious photographs allow us to see faces and imagine lives; documents authenticate our stories.
All Year 7 Dorot projects were on display for students and staff to view and a virtual Kabbalat Dorot evening was held, in which members of three generations reflected on the place of rituals – old and new – in their lives. Speakers were Barry Fradkin OAM (grandparent), Jason Berek-Lewis (parent), and students Hannah Kausman and Ariel Montgomery. Guests were then invited to ‘click through’ to student pages in which each reflected on their family stories and showed images.
More than anything, we hope this project allows each and every one of our Year 7 students to grow in knowledge and understanding from listening to, recording and presenting their family stories.
Sidra Moshinsky
Director of Jewish Life and Learning