Two ELC students wearing bee costumes for Purim look at the camera

Under the sea and into Hollywood for Purim

We had an incredible time celebrating Purim yesterday. We rolled out the red carpet for our Hollywood stars at the Senior School and entered a world Under the Sea at the Junior School. From Audrey Hepburn to Octopi to mermaids – what a wonderful transformation!

Alongside our annual costume parade at the Junior School, there was dancing, ra’ashanim making, a carnival with mini-golf, facepainting, fairy floss, a bubble dragon, bouncy castles, and pin the crown on Esther. We also enjoyed a magic show, mishloach manot, and of course, the reading of Megilat Esther. Thank you to our Year 10 madrichim who helped run activities at the Junior School.

The red carpet and Year 12 dance were highlights at the Senior School, as well as the reading of Megilat Esther and our lunchtime carnival with an obstacle course, disco dome, soccer darts, queen’s quesadillas, ice cream and Hanhagah-led ruach. 

Purim wouldn’t be complete without tzedakah – this year we donated coins as well as Matanot L’evyonim items to Mazon for their street pantry.