Welcome to our Madrichim!
Bruchim haBaim, Welcome and G’Day Mate!
This week we warmly welcomed our Israeli Madrichim, Aviv, Avital and Gavriel to KDS. Greeted especially by our Year 3 representatives who have been learning about the middah of Hachnasat Orchim (hospitality), the students were thrilled to meet them and start the amazing activities they have planned. The tzevet will be working in the Junior School and ELC every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks to deepen, enrich and enhance the children’s connection to and understanding of Israel, Israeli culture, Hebrew and Judaism. Our adventure kicked off this week with the theme Maccabiah!
Louise Lowinger
Coordinator of Jewish Life & Learning K-5
This week we warmly welcomed our Israeli Madrichim, Aviv, Avital and Gavriel to KDS. Greeted especially by our Year 3 representatives who have been learning about the middah of Hachnasat Orchim (hospitality), the students were thrilled to meet them and start the amazing activities they have planned. The tzevet will be working in the Junior School and ELC every Tuesday for the next 6 weeks to deepen, enrich and enhance the children’s connection to and understanding of Israel, Israeli culture, Hebrew and Judaism. Our adventure kicked off this week with the theme Maccabiah!
Louise Lowinger
Coordinator of Jewish Life & Learning K-5
We are so excited to have three Israeli Madrichim (educators) join us at our senior school in Term 3. Aviv, Gavriel and Avital who all grew up in Israel have been working with our students across the school, engaging them with the facets of Israeli society. They bring with them lived experience, passion and creativity. This week the tzevet (team) worked across Jewish Studies, Hebrew and Jewish Experiential classes and formed strong connections with our students. The tzevet will be working closely with our Hanhagah (year 12 student body) to bring Tu B’Av (the holiday of love) to life in the school. They will also be educators on the Year 9 Shvil Yisrael Camp. We look forward to seeing them continue to enrich our existing Jewish Life and Learning program over the next 6 weeks.
Yoel Benn
Coordinator Jewish Experiential Education (Sr)
Yoel Benn
Coordinator Jewish Experiential Education (Sr)