Year 4 students Music and Art excursion
Students in Year 4 have been learning about French Impressionism in their Music classes, and about the Post-Impressionist artist Vincent Van Gogh in Art. On Tuesday 17 May they went on an exciting excursion to The Lume, where they were able to immerse themselves in 360 degree projections of Van Gogh’s artworks accompanied by a musical soundtrack. Highlights included stepping into a 3D recreation of the famous ‘Bedroom at Arles’ and recognising musical pieces they’d heard in class.
After The Lume students enjoyed playing in the colourful Autumn leaves at South Wharf before returning to school for a delicious French-inspired snack of croissants and chocolate milk and a reflection on the day’s learning.
Liz Hender, Junior School Music Teacher and Marisa Mowszowski, Junior School Art Teacher