Year 5 are in Mars mission suits - they are learning about space!

Year 5 Lift Off!

This week, Year 5 lifted off to the Victorian Space Science Education Centre (VSSEC) to further their exploration of our solar system. After an early start and a bus trip to Strathmore, Year 5 participated in a range of amazing activities. The first step: get suited up in a space suit and travel to Mars!

After awakening from cryosleep and touching down on a Mars research base, Year 5 were tasked with conducting experiments testing the living conditions of Mars. Programming Robotic Arms, checking the Ph levels of chemicals and growing hydroponics were all in a solar cycle’s work for the young Mars scientists. Back on Earth, Mission Control was being staffed with other Year 5 scientists. This command center helped monitor the oxygen levels, energy and communication for our interstellar base. While conducting our normal operation, there were even a few emergency situations. Fortunately, mission control was able to detect a deadly, alien virus before it infected the Mars scientists and they made it home safely.

Year 5 was also given a chance to explore the other celestial bodies in our solar system. Using a range of models, students measured the size, distance and rotations of different planets. After a long day, Year 5 students’ knowledge of the solar system had increased by not just one small step, but by one giant leap.

Mission Commanders Signing Out

Gideon and RomyYear 5 Teachers