Year 5s relish the experience on camp
After two weeks in lockdown and waiting with bated breath to see if we could go to Ballarat, the Year 5s were able to go on camp. We immersed ourselves in 19th Century Victoria and the mining boom that helped shape the future of our country. The night show at Sovereign Hill was mind blowing and consolidated all that we had learnt during Term 2. We continued our streak of good luck by avoiding the rain which meant we were able to go on a long bush walk, build huts and participate in geocaching using real GPS devices in the bush. We loved being able to be at one with nature, to get muddy and to bond as a community.
Here are some of our thoughts on the experience –
• ‘I loved the light show the most because it explained more that I didn’t know.’
• ‘I liked that during free time, we could pretty much go wherever we wanted in the camp site and spend time with people who weren’t in your cabin.’
• ‘I loved the GPS activity the most – it was really exciting.’
• ‘I liked that we were in big cabins so we could be with different sorts of people.’
• ‘I learnt that everyone can do different things and achieve different goals.’
• ‘I learnt that people help each other, no matter the problem.’
• ‘I found the beginning in groups hard, but then we all worked together.’
• ‘I found geocaching equally as challenging as the hut building, but I had done neither before and had to use skills I had never used before.’
• ‘I found it hard to trust the compass while geocaching!’
• ‘We are here for each other.’
• ‘I learnt that I can survive in the wilderness, as long as I am accompanied.’
• ‘I learnt that I can survive four days without my parents.’
• ‘I learnt that as a community, we have to let people have their say.’
• ‘I learnt how to not just think about myself, but put myself into other people’s shoes.’
• ‘I learnt that I am more organised than I thought.’
Taryn Stark and Gideon Sharp